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Joe Capogreco Sensei, 3rd dan

Joe Capogreco Sensei has the IYBF rank of black belt, 3rd dan. He began his study of Yoseikan Aikido in 1981, while attending the University of Ottawa. He was seeking to supplement his academic studies with something that could maintain and fortify his mind and body, and he found it in Yoseikan Aikido.

Joe Capogreco Sensei studied with Kaoru Sugiyama Sensei at the University of Ottawa for several years as well as with other IYBF teachers who taught at the University after Sugiyama Sensei.

Joe Capogreco Sensei has studied First Aid, C.P.R., Crisis Intervention (Non-Violent) and Suicide Intervention. He finds his training in these other areas very relevant to his Yoseikan training and vice-versa.

He has attended numerous camps and clinics over the years, visited Los Angeles many times to study with Patrick Augé Sensei, and in 1997 travelled to Japan, to study with Master Minoru Mochizuki.

Since becoming a shodan, Joe Capogreco Sensei substituted for many teachers in the Ottawa dojos before starting to teach his own class at the Orleans Recreation Complex Aikido Club in 1999.

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