Patrick Augé Sensei Shihan
Patrick Auge Sensei began training in Jūdō in 1962 in France, and later trained in Karate and Aikidō with a student of Hiroo Mochizuki. He was active as a Jūdō competitor until 1970 after which he lived for seven years as the uchideshi of Master Minoru Mochizuki. Patrick Augé Sensei was named the representative of Yōseikan Budō Aikidō for North America in 1977. He then founded multiple dojos in the region of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) with his wife, Kaoru Sugiyama Sensei. He is currently in Los Angeles developing Yōseikan Budō and regularly travels between Canada, the United States and Japan.
See more pictures of Patrick Augé Shihan in our Picture Gallery.